35. kez sahibini bulan mimarlik dunyasinin en onemli odulu Pritzker'i ve 100 bin dolarlik para odulunu 2011 yilinda evine goturen isim Portekizli mimar Eduardo Souto de Moura oldu...
1952 yilinda Portekiz'in Porto sehrinde dogan mimar aslinda kariyerine bir heykeltras olarak baslamayi dusunmus ancak daha sonra mimarlik bolumune gecis yapmis. 1980 yilinda mezun olan Souta de Moura okurken ayni zamanda 1992 yilinin Pritzker odulunu alan Alvara Siza'nin yaninda calismis. 1980 yilinda kazandigi Casa des Artes projesi sayesinde kendi sirketini kuran mimar ilk yillarda kendi ulkesinde mutevazi mustakil konutlar tasarlamis ancak daha sonra Italya, Ispanya, Almanya ve Ingiltere gibi ulkelerde alisveris merkezleri, okullar ve sanat galerileri de tasarlamaya baslamis.
2004 Braga Stadyumu |
2009 Paula Rego Muzesi |
2004 Porto Metro Istasyonu |
Eduardo Souto de Moura won the 35th Prtizker Architecture Award this year and he will take the medallion along with $100.000 prize home in 2011.
He was born in 1952 in Portugal and he started his education as a scultptor. However, he changed his mind while studying and tranferred to the school of architecture. He graduated in 1980 and he worked with 1992 Priztker Prize winner Alvaro Siza for 5 years while he was at school. He won the competition of Casa des Artes right after graduation and he started his own firm after that.
During the early years of his career, he designed modest residential houses in his native land. But later, he started working in Italy, Spain, Germany and United Kingdom designing shopping centers, schools and art galleries.
2005 Serpentine Pavillion |
It can be said that he designed his most important projects in Portugal among which 2004 Braga Stadium, 2007 Porto Towers, 2009 Paulo Rego Museum, 2005 Serpentine Pavillion in United Kingdom can be mentioned. He will receive his award in June 2011 with a ceremony in Washington DC.