Size ozel hazirlayacagim siparisleriniz icin bana en az 3-4 gun oncesinden haber verebilirseniz cok sevinirim. Nasil bir konsept istediginiz, tercih ettiginiz renkler, adet ve bunun gibi detaylar icin bana adresimden ya da 1.540.998.9730 numarali telefonumdan ulasabilirsiniz.
Sizlerle paylasacagim hem hafif, hem pratik diger tum tarifler ve oneriler icin Chez Elif’in Pratik bilgiler basligina bakabilirsiniz :)
I can say that the one other thing that I enjoy as much as fashion is; baking :) This particular section is devoted to the boutique cookie and cake designs that I prepared for special occasions and that’s why I wanted you to navigate easily while looking at the themes and personal creations.
I will appreciate if you can give me your orders at least 3-4 days ahead of time. For the concept, the colors, the amount and for other details you are looking for in your next special occasion you can contact me via or via my cell phone 1.540.998.9730.
For other low-calorie delicious recipes and practical baking tips you can refer to the other sub-title as Practical Information in Chez Elif :)
Demet's Shower of Happiness Cake / Demet'in Bekarliga Veda Pastasi:)
Chez Elif’ten Dugun Pastasi / A Wedding Cake by Chez Elif
Suprise someone you love with a boutiqe dessert by Chez Elif / Sevdiklerinizi Chez Elif'ten bir butik tatlilar ile sasirtabilirsiniz :)
This is the cake I designed for my beloved husband Emrah's coming back from his military service :) You can have a cake solely designed for your special occasion as well. All you have to do is to let me know 3 days ahead of time. You can contact me via or by 540.998.9730 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 540.998.9730 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Isabel Ilayda'nin 1.yasgunu Pastasi; Kar Taneleri / Isabel Ilayda's 1st Birthday Cake;Snowflakes :)
Yapmaktan cok ama cok kEyif aldigim Vanilyali, kar taneli bir pasta oldu:)
I enjoyed very much while baking and decorating this vanilla, snowflake cake:)
Bu pastayi sevgili esim Emrah'in askerden donusu icin tasarladim. Bu sene siz de Chez Elif tarafindan size ozel hazirlanmis Butik bir Pasta ya da Butik Kurabiyelerle sevdiklerinizi sasirtmak istemez misiniz? Tek yapmaniz gereken 3 gun oncesiden bana haber vermeniz. Bana adresimden veya 540.997.9730 numarali telefonumdan ulasabilirsiniz:)
Demet's Shower of Happiness Cake / Demet'in Bekarliga Veda Pastasi:)
As many of you know I am going back to my lovely country for good. In between my packing processes I had taken the time to design my dear friend Demet's Bridal Shower Cake:) Since she loves chocolate cakes very much; it was baked accordingly and I covered it with my signature marshmellow fondant and decorated it with many flowers:) After a day full of happiness, dancing and eating we enjoyed the Chez Elif cake together..
Pek cogunuzun bildigi gibi guzel ulkeme temelli donus hazirligindayim. Ancak tum paketleme islerimn arasinda canim dostum Demet'in Bekarliga Veda partisinin kekini yapma zevkini kaciramazdim:) Sevgili Demet cikolatali keklere bayildigi icin pastasi sevdigi sekilde hazirlandi ve yine marsmellow'u fondanla kaplanarak en sonunda da ciceklerle suslendi. Mutlulugun havada ucustufu bol dansli ve enfes yemeklerle suslenen gune Chez Elif pastasini yiyerek veda ettik:)
Chez Elif’ten Dugun Pastasi / A Wedding Cake by Chez Elif
Aralik ayinda Turkiye’de evlenen cok yakin dostlarimiz Baris ve Berna, gecen hafta dugunde bulunamayan dostlari icin burada da bir davet verdiler. Sevgili Demet’in yeni evli cifte hediyesi olan dugun pastasini hazirlama zevki de Chez Elif’in oldu J
Bu guzel gun icin Demet’le birlikte hem modern hem de keyifli bir tasarimda karar kildik. Ici vanilyali pandispanyali, kremasi vanilyali badem aromali pastanin uzerini once tarifi Chez Elif’e mahsus lezzetli beyaz fondanla kapladim, sonra da ustunu siyah noktaciklarla susledim. Siyah-beyaz kombinine hos bir tezat olusturmasi icin kipkirmizi bir gul-karanfil aranjmanini pastanin bir kenarina ekledim. Ve son olarak birbirine huzurla sarilmis gelin ve damat biblosunu da pastanin uzerindeki yerine yerlestirince sonuc, sevgili Berna ve Baris’in mutlu evliligini kutlamaya layik bir pasta oldu. Daha fazla resim icin Butik Tatlilar bolumune bakabilirsiniz. Davet ise cok ama cok eglenceli gecti, pasta afiyetle yenildi, goruldugu gibi bolbol resmi cekildi ve tukendi J Baris ve Berna’ya buradan da omur boyu surecek mutluluklar diliyorum. Bir baska Chez Elif tasariminda bulusmak uzere…
Our dear fiends Baris and Berna got married last year in December, and they decided to throw a wedding party here last week for their friends who couldn’t attend the wedding reception that took place in Turkey . It become a pleasure for Chez Elif to design the wedding cake as a present from dear Demet for the newlyweds J
We chose a modern yet fun design for this special day with Demet. It was a classic vanilla cake with vanilla-almond butter cream icing on top. First, I covered the cake with the white fondant which is a specialty recipe of Chez Elif. Then I decorated with black polka dots. In order to contrast the black and white design, I located a red rose and carnation arrangement on the side. I finished the design with a lovely bride and groom cake topping which portrays them hugging each other peacefully. You can visit Boutique Deserts section for more pictures.The party turned out to be quite fun, everyone enjoyed the cake, took a lot of pictures and finished it. I would like to wish all the best of happiness to Berna and Baris from here as wellJ I am looking forward to sharing another Chez Elif cake design with you soon.
Suprise someone you love with a boutiqe dessert by Chez Elif / Sevdiklerinizi Chez Elif'ten bir butik tatlilar ile sasirtabilirsiniz :)
This is the cake I designed for my beloved husband Emrah's coming back from his military service :) You can have a cake solely designed for your special occasion as well. All you have to do is to let me know 3 days ahead of time. You can contact me via or by 540.998.9730 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 540.998.9730 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Isabel Ilayda'nin 1.yasgunu Pastasi; Kar Taneleri / Isabel Ilayda's 1st Birthday Cake;Snowflakes :)
Yapmaktan cok ama cok kEyif aldigim Vanilyali, kar taneli bir pasta oldu:)
I enjoyed very much while baking and decorating this vanilla, snowflake cake:)
Bu pastayi sevgili esim Emrah'in askerden donusu icin tasarladim. Bu sene siz de Chez Elif tarafindan size ozel hazirlanmis Butik bir Pasta ya da Butik Kurabiyelerle sevdiklerinizi sasirtmak istemez misiniz? Tek yapmaniz gereken 3 gun oncesiden bana haber vermeniz. Bana adresimden veya 540.997.9730 numarali telefonumdan ulasabilirsiniz:)
Bugunden itibaren tadina doyamayacaginiz lezzetli kurabiye ve pastalarimin resimlerini bu sayfamda paylasmaya basliyorum. Seciminize gore vanilyali, bademli, cikolatali, limonlu, arzu ettiginiz konsept ve sekillerdeki kurabiye ve pastalarimin tadina oldugu kadar onlara bakmaya da doyamayacaksiniz, emin olun.
Asagida goreceginiz vanilya-badem aromali kurabiyelerim sevgili dostum Ayten'in evindeki keyifli bulusmada tuketilmek icin hazirlandi:)
From today on, I will be posting the pictures of my delicious boutique cookie and cake designs in this page. You will enjoy both looking at and eating these vanilla, almond, chocolate or lemon flavored (per request )sweet treats. The yummy vanilla-almond flavored cookies you see below were prepared for my dear friend Ayten's house party :)
Gecen hafta cok sevdigim arkadaslarim Uli, Laura ve Anna ile bulusmaya gitmeden once kendime hakim olamadim ve onlar icin renkli mi renli sevimli mi sevimli badem aromali kurabiyeler hazirladim. Sizlerle paylasmadan da edemedim. Daha fazla resim icin Butik Tatlilar kismina bakabilirsiniz. Sevgiler :)
Last week I wanted to bake delicious cookies before going to our get together with my dear friends Uli, Anna and Laura:) They were almond flovored, colored and fun cookies. I couldn't help myself but share with you all. For more images you can visit Boutique Desserts section. All the best:)