Kultur ve Sanat / Culture and Art

35. kez sahibini bulan mimarlik dunyasinin en onemli odulu Pritzker'i ve 100 bin dolarlik para odulunu 2011 yilinda evine goturen isim Portekizli mimar Eduardo Souto de Moura oldu...
1952 yilinda Portekiz'in Porto sehrinde dogan mimar aslinda kariyerine bir heykeltras olarak baslamayi dusunmus ancak daha sonra mimarlik bolumune gecis yapmis. 1980 yilinda mezun olan Souta de Moura okurken ayni zamanda 1992 yilinin Pritzker odulunu alan Alvara Siza'nin yaninda calismis. 1980 yilinda kazandigi Casa des Artes projesi sayesinde kendi sirketini kuran mimar ilk yillarda kendi ulkesinde mutevazi mustakil konutlar tasarlamis ancak daha sonra Italya, Ispanya, Almanya ve Ingiltere gibi ulkelerde alisveris merkezleri, okullar ve sanat galerileri de tasarlamaya baslamis.  

2004 Braga Stadyumu

 1990 yilinda Univerty of Porto'nun  Mimarlik Fakultesi'de profesor unvanini alan Souta de Moura ayni zamanda  Genova, Paris-Belleville, Harvard Universitesi,  Dublin ve Zurih'teki universitelerde de ogretim uyeligi yapmakta ve yil boyunca pekcok seminerde konusmaci olarak yer almaktadir.

2009 Paula Rego Muzesi

 Bununla birlikte odulu kazanmasina yol acan eserlerin cogunun yine kendi ulkesindekiler oldugu soylenebilir. Bu projeleri arasinda 2004 Braga Stadyumu, 2007 Porto is kuleleri, 2009 Paulo Rego Müzesi, 2005 Ingiltere'deki Serpentine Pavyonu sayilabilir. Eduardo Souto de Moura odulu Haziran  ayinda Washington DC de yapilacak bir odul toreni ile teslim alacak.

2004 Porto Metro Istasyonu

Eduardo Souto de Moura won the 35th Prtizker Architecture Award this year and he will take the medallion along with $100.000 prize  home in 2011.

He was born in 1952 in Portugal and he started his education as a scultptor. However, he changed his mind while studying and tranferred to the school of architecture. He graduated in 1980 and he worked with 1992 Priztker Prize winner Alvaro Siza for 5 years while he was at school. He won the competition of Casa des Artes right after graduation and he started his own firm after that.
During the early years of his career, he designed modest residential houses in his native land. But later, he started working in Italy, Spain, Germany and United Kingdom designing shopping centers, schools and art galleries.

2005 Serpentine Pavillion

 He became a proffessor in 1990 in University of Porto but he is also a visiting proffessor in the schools of Geneva, Paris-Belleville, Harvard, Dublin and Zurich. He participates in numerous seminars and give many lectures both in Portugal and abroad every year.

It can be said that he designed his most important projects in Portugal among which 2004 Braga Stadium, 2007 Porto Towers, 2009 Paulo Rego Museum, 2005 Serpentine Pavillion in United Kingdom can be mentioned. He will receive his award in June 2011 with a ceremony in Washington DC.

BTF (Bridge To Turkiye Fund),  Medine Memi Yardim Kampanyasi ve Daha Fazlasi…

BTF (Bridge to Turkiye Fund), 2003 yilinda Amerika’da yasayan Turkler tarafindan kurulmus, tamamen gonullulerden olusan, amaclari toplumun iyiligi icin calismak ve Turkiye’de yardima ihtiyaci olanlara care bulmak olan bir kurum…

Benim BTF ile ilk tanismam 2008 yilinda, Washington DC’de ATA-DC’nin duzenledigi geleneksel Turk Festivali’nin Kultur Koordinatoru olarak calistigim zamana denk geliyor. O gun, o kisacik zaman icinde bana anlattiklari, gorduklerim, samimiyetleri beni o kadar derinden etkiledi ki; daha sonra da yaptiklari etkinlikleri her zaman yakindan takip etmeye devam ettim.
Bir kurum dusunun ki; Turkiye’nin en uzak koylerinden birinde okuyan cocuklara Amerika’da topladigi yardimlarla giyecek yardimi yapiyor, onlara kitaplar aliyor, buyuk sehirlerde imkansizliktan okuyamayan ya da cesitli sebeplerle baski goren genc kizlara yardim elini uzatip onlari yeniden hayata bagliyor, o tertemiz, gencecik yuzlerin gulmesine, gelecege daha umutla bakmasina neden oluyor. Bir kurum ki icinde cekisme yasanmiyor, tum gonulluleri parmakla gosterilecek sekilde muhtesem bir uyumla calisiyor.
Faaliyetleri ise oyle cok ki anlatmaya nereden baslasam hic bilemiyorum. Belki de en dogrusu ilk once sizleri kullanimi oldukca rahat ve keyifli olan websitelerine yonlendirmek; www.bridgetoturkiye.org

Bu sayfada gezinerek sizin de bir parcasi olabileceginiz cok sayida BTF projesine ulasmaniz mumkun olabiliyor. Eger sizin uygulamaya koymayi dusundugunuz bir fikriniz varsa onun gerceklesmesi icin de tum BTF gonullerine yine bu sayfadan ulasabiliyorsunuz. Sanirim BTF’nin en guzel yanlarindan bir tanesi belli kaliplara sıkısmadan her fikre ve her projeye karsi acik olmalari…

BTF’nin Proje Koordinatorlerinden sevgili Sibel Karakus’un bana anlattigi orneklerden birisi Jill Stokwell'in onderliginde bir yarismaya katilan BTF’nin diger 500 bin dernek arasından en çok oy toplayan 100 dernek arasına girmeyi başararak 25 bin dolarlık ödülü Çanakkale – Biga’daki Kadın ve Çocuk Merkezi için kazanmasi ve bunu Biga’da degerlendirmesi olmustu. Bu da gosteriyor ki aklinizda bir fikriniz ve yardim bekleyen tanidiginiz birileri varsa BTF bu konuda size yardimci olacak en dogru yer.

Chez Elif’te bu ay size ozellikle tanitmak istedigim konu ise BTF’nin Medine Memi Fonu. Henuz 16 yasinda iken kendisi, annesi ve kizkardeslerine karsi babasindan ve ailesinin diger erkeklerinden gordugu siddete karsi cikmak, dayak yemek yerine okumak isteyen Adiyaman’li Medine canli canli gomulerek olume terkedilir. Ne yazik ki Medine kurtarilamaz ama onun cesaretinden yola cikilarak kurulmus olan Medine Memi Fonu ile okumak isteyen kizlarimiza yardim eli uzatabilecek bir umut dogar. 27 Mart 2011 tarihinde yardimseverler Medine Memi Fonuna destek vermek icin saat 14.00-16.00 arasinda Potomac Falls Virginia’da biraraya gelecekler. Asagida Medine Memi Fonu ve 27 Mart’ta yapilacak olan yardim kampanyasi ile ilgili bilgileri bulabilirsiniz. Lutfen bu anlamli gunde BTF’yi yalniz birakmayin, elinizden geldigince sizler de etrafinizdakilere duyurun. Medine Memi Memorial websitesi icin burayi tiklayabilirsiniz.

Ben Amerika’da yasamiyorum nasil yardimci olabilirim diyen sevgili dostlarima da soyleyebilecegim sey, oncelikle hazihazirdaki BTF projelerine yardim eli uzatmak icin websitelerini ziyaret etmeleri ya da Turkiye’de yardima ihtiyaci oldugunu bildikleri kurumlar ya da kisiler varsa mutlaka  BTF ile iletisime gecmeleridir. Emin olun ki her girisiminiz canla basla calisan sevgili BTF’lilerce degerlendirilecektir. Ben sahsim adina aralarinda Sibel Karakus, Emin Pamucak, Ayse Zerwas, Asli Necioglu gibi daha adini sayamayacagim pek cok BTF’liyi tanimaktan, yeri geldiginde onlara destek olmaktan onur duyuyorum.


BTF (Bridge To Turkiye Fund),  Medine Memi Fundraiser and Much More…

BTF (Bridge to Turkiye Fund) was established in 2003 by volunteer Turkish Americans who live in United States to make a difference for the common life and to improve life of those in need in Turkey.

I met BTF ((Bridge to Turkiye Fund) in 2008 during ATA-DC’s annual Washington DC Festival, where I was working as the Cultural Supervisor. During the day of the festival, in a very short time, I was so impressed by their energy, by their projects and how they changed the lives of others that I kept following and helping them whenever they needed.

Think of an organization that help villages located in the far sides of Turkey by providing books, clothing to them or helping out the young girls who would like to get educated or being mistreated in big cities. BTF supports especially young people who need help the most, make them smile and give them courage and hope for the future to come. An organization that is free of power wars and all volunteers care for and help each other.

They have so many projects that I don’t know where to start. Maybe, I should direct you to their fun and easy to browse website first for you to get a glimpse of their projects; http://www.bridgetoturkiye.org/

You can find an ongoing project that you think you can help with in their website or just offer them your own ideas which will be welcomed warmly by the BTF team. I think the best characteristic of this organization is that they are open-minded and willing to help and consider everyone’s ideas.

I would like to share one project that my dear friend Sibel Karakus, a project coordinator at BTF shared with me.  Led by a BTF volunteer Jill Stokwell, BTF entered a competition to be selected among the 100 organizations among 500.000 to be eligible to win $ 25.000 which they did and used this money to improve Biga-Canakkale Women and Children’s Center. This wonderful example shows that if you have a good idea or know someone who is need of help BTF is the organization to contact to.  

What I wanted to bring to your attention especially this month at Chez Elif is BTF’s Medine Memi Memorial Fund and its upcoming Fudraiser.  As a 16-year-old young woman from Adiyaman, Medine was buried alive by her family members after she reported to local police the conditions that her mother, grandmother, and sisters were experiencing. Medine had endured numerous beatings throughout her young life and never received a formal education. In the end, she was killed in a most horrific manner and her family tried to forget she ever existed. BTF created Medine Memi Memorial Fund to be able to help young girls who try to get education and have a better future. Please help BTF by participating Medine Memi Fundraiser that will happen on March 27th between 2-6 pm at Potomac Mills, VA.  I attached the details of the fundraiser and the Medine Memi Memorial Flier for your information. Click here to reach Medine Memi Memorial website.

If you wonder how you can help BTF if you live in Turkey; you can contact them if you know someone who is in need or you have a project or simply join in one of their ongoing projects. Any contacts you make with BTF will be received gladly by their volunteers and you will get an immediate attention from them. I am proud of knowing many volunteers at BTF among whom I can name Sibel Karakus, Emin Pamucak, Ayse Zerwas and Asli Necioglu and being able to help out for those in need.

8 Mart Kadinlar Gunu yaklasirken.../8th of March International Women's Day

8 Mart Kadinlar gunu hizla yaklasirken her sene oldugu gibi kendimi ATA-DC‘nin (American Turkish Association of Washington DC) destekledigi pek cok aktiviteye hazirlanirken buluverdim. Fakat bu sene, daha onceki senelerde neden aklima gelmedi bilmiyorum, Kadinlar Gunu’nun neden ve nasil kutlanmaya baslandigi uzerine pek de bir bilgim olmadigini fark ettim. Benim gibi baska merak edenler de olabilir dusuncesiyle arastirdim ve simdi de Chez Elif’te  sizlerle paylasiyorum J

Kadinlar gunu icin 8 Mart tarihinin secilmesinin altinda aslinda 1857 yilinda New York’daki bir fabrikada yasanmis aci bir olay yatiyormus. O gun 40.000 dokuma işçisi daha iyi çalışma koşulları ve daha iyi bir maas istedikleri icin bir tekstil fabrikasında greve başlamis. Fakat polis once iscilere saldirmis sonra da onlari fabrikaya kilitlemis. Bu sirada cikan  yangında işçilerin fabrika önünde kurulan barikatlardan kaçamaması sonucunda çoğu kadın 129 işçi can vermis. Bu olayi izleyen belli yillarda kadinlar hep Mart ayi icerisinde  kotu calisma kosullarini ve maaslarini protesto etmeye devam etmisler.

26-27 Agustos 1910 tarihine gelindiginde, Danimarka'nın Kopenhag kentinde 2. Enternasyonale bağlı kadınlar toplantısında (Uluslararası Sosyalist Kadınlar Konferansı) Almanya Sosyal Demokrat Partisi önderlerinden Clara Zetkin, 8 Mart 1857 tarihindeki tekstil fabrikası yangınında ölen kadın işçiler anısına 8 Mart'ın "Internationaler Frauentag" (International Women's Day - Dünya Kadınlar Günü) olarak anılması önerisini getirmis ve öneri orada oybirliğiyle kabul edilmis. Ancak yine de neredeyse 1977 yilin kadar Kadinlar Gunu, farkli ulkelerde farkli gunlerde ama hep Mart ayi icerisinde olmak uzere kulanmaya baslanmis. Sadece  Birinci ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı yılları arasında anılması tamamen yasaklanmis. 1960'lı yılların sonunda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde daha güçlü bir şekilde gündeme gelmeye baslamis ve boylece tum dunyada daha etkili olmus.

En sonunda Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu, 16 Aralık 1977 tarihinde 8 Mart'ın "Dünya Kadınlar Günü" olarak anılmasını kabul etmis. Ancak Birleşmiş Milletler'in sitesine bakildiginda, günün tarihine ilişkin bölümde, bir neden belirtilmemekte kutlamanın New York'ta ölen işçilerin anısına yapıldığı yazilmamaktadir.

Türkiye'de ise 8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü ilk kez 1921 yılında "Emekçi Kadınlar Günü" olarak kutlanmaya başlanmis. "Birleşmiş Milletler Kadınlar On Yılı" programından Türkiye'nin de etkilenmesiyle, 1975 yılında "Türkiye 1975 Kadın Yılı" kongresi yapılmis ve bunun uzerine bu sene kutlamalar artmis. 12 Eylül 1980 Askeri Darbesi'nden sonra dört yıl süreyle herhangi bir kutlama yapılmamis fakat 1984'ten itibaren duzenli olarak her yıl çeşitli kadın örgütleri tarafından "Dünya Kadınlar Günü" kutlanmaya başlanmis.

Kadinlar gununuz kutlu olsun!


International Women’s’ Day is fast approaching and I found myself one more time busy with all the exciting events we prepare every year with ATA-DC (American Turkish Association of Washington DC). But this year I wondered why, I don’t know why I didn’t before; they have chosen the 8th of March to celebrate as the International Women’s Day (IWD). So I made a research and thinking that some of you might wonder too, I decided to share it in here at Chez ElifJ

The main reason why they have chosen 8th of March as the International Women’s Day is in fact a tragic event. 40.000 workers of a textile factory staged a protest in New York City in 1857. They were fighting against inhumane working conditions and low wages. During the protest, a fire started and 129 people most of whom were women died because they couldn’t escape from the factory that they were trapped in. Over the years following this tragic event, women kept protesting against their work conditions during the month of March.
Later, an international conference, held by socialist organizations from around the world, met in Copenhagen, Denmark, during August 26-27 in 1910. The conference of the Socialist International proposed an "Internationaler Frauentag- International Women’s Day (IWD) “which was designed to be international in character. The proposal initially came from Clara Zetkin, a German socialist, who suggested honoring International Women’s Day on 8th of March to mark the strike of garment workers in the United States in 1857. The proposal was approved by the majority and then women all around the world started celebrating this day during the month of March.  The celebrations were strictly interrupted during the 1st and 2nd World Wars but captured attention after 1960’s especially when USA started celebrating it more enthusiastically.  
Finally, United Nations adopted a resolution proclaiming 8th of March to be the United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace in 1977. They do not honor the date in relation to 1857 events on their website but do not state another reason for the selection either.
In Turkey, IWD was first realized in 1921 as the “Day of Working Women” but it wasn’t until 1975 which was celebrated as “Turkey 1975; The year of Women” that IWD was honored properly. No celebrations were held for four years following 1980 Military Coup but since 1984, International Women’s Day is being celebrated by all women organizations in Turkey.
Happy Womens’ Day !  

Most Romantic Restaurants in the Washington, DC Area (from About.com)

Looking for a romantic restaurant to celebrate your special occasion for this Valentines Day? It always feels easy to pull out these names but when it comes to our busy schedule it becomes a problem in the last minute. Therefore I referred to one of the most reliable websites for this decision; about.com and here are their wonderful suggestions below. These special restaurants have great food and are among the best restaurants and the most popular in the region. They are all expensive and require reservations. Be sure to call ahead to make a reservation at least a few days in advance.

Citronelle in the Latham Hotel
3000 M. St., NW, Washington, DC. (202) 625-2150
American cuisine with a French influence served in an intimate setting in the heart of Washington, DC.


2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC
. (202) 296-1166
French-Belgian restaurant with nightly live entertainment.


3529 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC
. (202) 537-9250
Fine Italian restaurant with award winning chef.

1789 Restaurant

1226 36th St. NW, Washington, DC
. (202) 965-1789
Georgetown’s premiere restaurant serving world-class American cuisine in a renovated Federal house. Tabard Inn
1739 N St. NW, Washington, DC. (202) 833-2668
New American cuisine in a quaint restaurant in a Victorian style hotel just blocks from the White House in downtown Washington DC.

Two Quail

320 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Washington, DC
. (202) 543-8030
American restaurant in three Victorian Capitol Hill rowhouses. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride following your meal.

Little Fountain Cafe

2339 18th St. NW, Washington, DC
(202) 462-8100
Quaint European styled restaurant located in the basement of an Adams Morgan townhouse.

Asia Nora
2213 M St. NW, Washington, DC. (202) 797-4860
Intimate New Asian restaurant with food prepared with organic ingredients.
Sea Catch Canal Square

1054 31st St, NW Washington, DC
(202) 337-8855
Fresh seafood in a romantic setting in a restored historic building in the heart of Georgetown. The setting is unique with a view overlooking the C & O Canal.

2941 Restaurant

2941 Fairview Park Dr, Falls Church, VA
Modern American cuisine with classic French influences in a gorgeous setting with waterfront views.

777 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC
(202) 393-1400
Asian and French cuisines in a sophisticated contemporary setting.

La Ferme

7101 Brookville Rd, Chevy Chase, Maryland
. (301) 986-5255
French country restaurant with an intimate setting and beautiful outdoor seating when the weather permits.

Old Hickory Steakhouse
Gaylord National Resort, National Harbor, Maryland. (301) 965-4000
Stunning restaurant with intimate ambiance and sweeping views of the Potomac River.

La Miche

7905 Norfolk Ave, Bethesda, Maryland
. (301) 986-0707
Intimate French country restaurant in the heart of Bethesda.
Old Angler’s Inn

10801 MacArthur Blvd. Potomac, Maryland
. (301)365-2425
Quaint country inn with beautiful outdoor seating when the weather permits.


1700 Tysons Blvd., McLean, Virginia
(703) 917-5498 Mclean, Virginia
Intimate Italian restaurant located at the Ritz Carlton in Tyson’s Corner.
Inn at Little Washington
Middle and
Main Street, Washington, Virginia
(540) 675 3800
Romantic country inn at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

L'auberge Chez Francois

332 Springvale Rd.
Great Falls, Virginia. (703) 759-3800
Elegant French country inn in Great Falls.

The Grill at Morrison House

116 S. Alfred St., Alexandria, Virginia
(703) 838-8000
Award-winning restaurant in a cozy atmosphere at a small inn in Old Town Alexandria.

Also, before the Valentines Day you might want to enjoy Giselle with the Mariinsky Ballet

Boasting an artistic legacy that spans more than 200 years, St. Petersburg's Mariinsky Ballet returns with the classic evening-length ballet Giselle, choreographed by Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot, and Marius Petipa starting February 8th until 13th, 2011. The prices are between $29.00 - $150.00

American Ballet Theatre (from Kennedy Center website)

Kevin McKenzie, Artistic Director

"A victory for American dance."
--San Francisco Chronicle

"One of the most beautiful sights in dance is American Ballet Theatre in full flight."
--New York Post

A continual presence within the Kennedy Center's ballet program that spans decades, American Ballet Theatre returns with both new works full of vigor and D.C. favorites rich with heritage. ABT dances seven performances in the Opera House accompanied by the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra, with repertoire including the company premiere of The Bright Stream by Artist-in-Residence Alexei Ratmansky. A comic ballet in two acts set to music by Dmitri Shostakovich, The Bright Stream tells the story of the members of a Russian farm collective in the 1930s and their humorous interactions with a group of visiting performers during the harvest festival. "I am thrilled to add this wonderful production to ABT's repertoire," said Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie.  "It so reflects Alexei's inventiveness and good humor."

The company will also perform a very special repertory program as part of The Presidency of John F. Kennedy: A 50th Anniversary Celebration. American Ballet Theatre performed a number of times at Kennedy White House events and State Dinners. This program will capture both the elegance of the Kennedy White House and the promise of that period in American artistic history. Works chosen as Kennedy family favorites include Balanchine's Theme and Variations, Tudor's Jardin aux Lilas, Balanchine's Duo Concertant, and Robbins's Fancy Free.

Do not miss ; The Presidency of John F. Kennedy: A 50th Anniversary Celebration

From January 18 to February 6, 2011 the Kennedy Center hosts The Presidency of John F. Kennedy: A 50th Anniversary Celebration. This three-week series of events and performances commemorates the president who led the United States into the modern era of global participation and who was a foremost patron of the arts. The celebration features performances by Music Director Christoph Eschenbach and the National Symphony Orchestra, American Ballet Theatre, Yo-Yo Ma, Denyce Graves, Emanuel Ax, and others, in addition to a newly commissioned play for young audiences and their families based on two collections of poetry selected by Caroline Kennedy, a documentary, performances on the Millennium Stage, and more.
The Presidency of John F. Kennedy: A 50th Anniversary Celebration
is the 2011 Rubenstein Program and is made possible through the generosity of David and Alice Rubenstein.
Additional support is provided by The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, Altria Group, Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, Grace and Morton Bender, and David Gregory and Beth Wilkinson.
The National Symphony Orchestra performances of The Presidency of John F. Kennedy: A 50th Anniversary Celebration are supported through the generosity of
Constance Milstein de La Haye St.
Hilaire and
Jehan-Christophe de La Haye St.
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
For more information on the Kennedy Center performances please visit; http://www.kennedy-center.org/

Blogumdaki Kultur ve Sanat bolumunun benim icin oldukca buyuk bir anlami var. Elbette mimar olusum, sanatci tarafim bunda cok onemli bir rol oynuyor ama  4 sene once baslayan bir macera beni hem kulturun ve sanatin vazgecilmez bir takipcisi yapti hem de hayatima onemli bir anlam katti diyebilirim.

Bundan 4 sene once Amerika'da Washington DC’de buyuk bir mimarlik sirketinde calismakta olan yuksek bir mimardim sadece. Farkli ulkelerden gelmis pek cok arkadasim vardi, etrafim Dunya Bankasi, IMF gibi yuksek prestijli uluslararasi kimligi on plana cikan sirketlerle cevriliydi ama ben kendimi bombos hissediyordum. Sanki cok sey yapmaya hazirmis da bir turlu o “pek cok seyi” yapacak ani yakalayamiyormus gibiydim. Oyle ki ulkemden cok uzaklarda yasiyor olmamin hicbir anlami kalmadigi, kendimi tekrar etmeye basladigim, o pek cogumuzun bildigi monoton yasantinin icine karismak uzereydim. Sonra bir gun bir e-mail aldim. Daha dogrusu daha once pek cok defa aldigim bir e-maili dikkatlice okudum. Washington DC’de faaliyet gosteren, kar amaci gutmeyen bir Turk-Amerikan toplulugundan geliyordu bu e-mail. Her sene duzenlenen Washington DC Turk Festivaline yardim etmek isteyen gonulluler ariyorlardi ve soz konusu e-mailin iceriginde toplantinin yer ve saati belirtiliyordu. Iste o gun, belki de hayatimin seyrini cok onemli olcude degistiren o toplantiya gitmeye-ustelik de tek basima, kimseyi tanimiyorken- karar verdim.

Eminim onumuzdeki zamanlarda size ATA-DC’den (Amerikan-Turkish Association of Washington DC), bana kattiklarindan, yaptiklarimizdan  bahsedecegim pek cok firsat olacak ama istedim ki su anda aranizda herhangi bir nedenden dolayi kendisi icin onemli olacagini dusundugu bir davet ya da toplantiya gitmeye cekinen veya bunu erteleyen birileri varsa bu niyetini gerceklestirmesinin ne kadar onemli olabilecegini soyleyeyim. Bazen bir adim cok ama cok seyi degistirebilir. Onemli olan bunu denemis olmaktir.

Simdi 4 sene sonra ATA-DC’nin hem yonetim kurulu uyesi, hem de her sene duzenledigimiz Turk Festivali’nin Kultur Cadirlarinin sorumlusuyum. Sene boyunca pek cok kultur  ve sanat faaliyetinin gerceklesmesine yardimci oluyor, Amerika’da Amerikalilarin ve diger yabanci ulke vatanadaslarinin Turkiye’yi, bizleri anlamasina ve tanimasina vesile oluyorum. Artik sadece Amerika’da  meslegini icra eden profosyonel bir bayan degil sosyal acidan da kendini yeterli hisseden, bir seyler basarmis,daha da onemlisi bir fark yaratabilmis olmanin mutlulugu icinde geceleri uykuya dalan bir mimarim.


Verona yakinlarinda bir ev; 'Il Girasole' ya da nam-i diger "Aycicegi"

Exterior View-from www.wallpaper.com
Asagidaki linke tikladiginiz zaman, yaklasik 16 dakikalik odullu bir kisa film izleyeceksiniz. Baslarda biraz yavas gelse de ne olur pes etmeden devam edin cunku bu kisa film, siz farkina bile varmadan sizi sarip sarmalayacak. Girisimci bir makina muhendisinin modernizmin basladigi yillarda bir prototip olarak uretilmesi hayali ile insa ettigi "Ay cicegi" evinin hikayesini evin sahibinin kizinin agzindan dinleyeceksiniz.
Cok etkileyici, biraz huzunlu ama kesinlikle belleklerde tatli bir ani birakacak bir film bu;

Aerial View-from www.wallpaper.com
Interior View -from www.wallpaper.com


Bloglarim / My Blog List