Tuesday, March 29, 2011

BTF'nin Yardim Gunu icin Chez Elif Pastasi/ BTF Fundraiser Cake by Chez Elif

27 Mart Pazar gunu, BTF (Bridge to Turkiye Fund) ve ATA-DC birlikte cok guzel bir projeye imza attilar. Okumak isteyen genc kizlara destek olmak icin BTF tarafindan olusturulan Medine Memi Fonu'na yardim etmek icin DC, Maryland ve Virginia eyaletlerinde oturan pek cok yardimsever bir araya geldi. Bir yandan bu guzel amac icin yardim topladilar, bir yandan sevgili Ilhan Sami Ozulu'nun muziklerine eslik ettiler, bir yandan da keyifli bir sohbete daldilar. Chez Elif olarak bu anlamli gunun pastasini hazirlama zevki de benim oldu :)

Medine Memi Fonu ve BTF ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi icin http://www.bridgetoturkiye.org/ ATA-DC ve aktiviteleri icin http://www.atadc.org/ adreslerini ziyaret edebilirsiniz...



 On the 27th day of March, BTF (Bridge to Turkiye Fund) and ATA-DC co-organized a wonderful event. Many people living in the states of Maryland, DC and Virginia gathered together for a fundraiser for the Medine Memi Fund which is established by BTF to help young women get education in Turkey. They raised money for a great cause, they enjoyed the music of dear Ilhan Sami Ozulu and they got the opportunity to have profound conversations. And as Chez Elif, I got the privilage to design the cake of this wonderful event :)

For more information on Medine Memi Fund or BTF please visit www.bridgetoturkiye.org for more on ATA-DC and its events visit www.atadc.org.


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